Friday, August 12, 2011

Inspiration... water proof vibrator?

To begin with, you must remember that while sex is still an important part of our relationship, and lately, it is not by any definition epic... either in technique, frequency or sadly even results. 

First you must remember that Master is in charge of all aspects... when, where, how often, what... and you must remember that he is the kind of guy that eats the same thing for breakfast every day of the week.  Even when we go out to a restaurant, he orders the exact same thing... link sausages, hash browns, eggs over easy, wheat toast and orange juice.  And woe to the wee slave that tries to "change it up".  This preference for the predictable and the comfortable translates to our sex life as well.  It is always at the same time of day... same day of the week... (Yes... children, grandma and grandpa only do it once a week.) 

I could script it.  He will be in the bathroom... pooping for some indefinite period of time... 30 or so minutes... (apparently this is part of the… um… planning?)  Then he will wander out and stand in the front room... in his tighty whities... (TMI children??? Well the images in your head will only get worse... look away... look away now.)  He will stare at me... with this "what the fuck you just sitting there bitch?" arched brow glare.  And I will blink and sigh and look at the clock like I am somewhat surprised and then grab a towel and follow him into the bathroom. 

(I could do this is in my sleep.)  Brush teeth... trim pubes... wait for him to finish shaving and brushing his teeth.  (Try… try… try to think of something sexual.)  He may swat me once or twice as we get ready to get in the shower (the lazy master’s favorite form of foreplay).  We shampoo and shave and scrub.  He gives me a once over and grabs my shoulders and pushes down onto my knees.  For the briefest of moments, I always put up a bit of token resistance (he likes to think he is making me).  Then the fluffing commences.  It takes a while but with diligence and proper enthusiasm... (real or feigned) eventually (if all the planets are in proper alignment and all is well with the world) the old soldier rises to the occasion.  He taps me on the shoulder and I obediently stand and bend over... rise up on my tip toes and put my forehead down on the end of the tub.  He fucks for a while from behind for a while and then taps me and I turn and resume sucking.  Rinse (literally), repeat… repeat… repeat…

I find the thought of it… the idea… the reality of it evocative… provocative.  I like that it is happening… but it does not physically arouse me at the time.  The position is too rigorous, the water runs down my back into my ears and nose, the angle is wrong, the water washes away much or all of the natural lube, it starts to chafe… soon I am irritated more than I am turned on.  I just want him to finish or stop.  I pray that the hot water will finally run out. 

Master likes me to orgasm… even insists I orgasm.  And he wants me to do it in the shower… but accepts that I just can’t quite get there… there. 

So, most of the time, once the water begins to run cold, we take an intermission (and intermissions SUCK... for me it can easily destroy any or all progress back to zero) and move the show to his room.  But the good news is, there, where I can finally lie down and reach for my big, industrial vibrator can I relax and have that required orgasm.  

So when Eden Fantasies asked me what sex toy  I wanted to test for them next I got to thinking, if I had a vibrator I could bring into the shower, maybe we could get this done before the water got cold.  So I asked to peruse a selection of water proof things and ordered jenna-vibes-with-attachments.  
I was intrigued by the variety of attachments available and the description said it was four “Vrooms” out of a possible five “vrooms” powerful and I definitely prefer powerful.

I ordered  jennas-vibe-with-attachments and as usual it came almost immediately.  Kayla tells me something like six days to process but it seems like it is delivered much sooner than that and I eagerly tore into the box.

To be cont... 

1 comment:

  1. I have my fingers crossed and am hoping it makes sex more fun for both of you!

